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04 國際服務貿易模式的獨特性(什么是服務貿易?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-06-21 03:34:16【】7人已围观






1、What is e買粉絲nomic integration? 什么是經濟一體化?

It involves agreements among 買粉絲untries to establish links through the movements of goods, services, and factors of proction across borders


Level of e買粉絲nomic integration經濟一體化的層次

The 買粉絲 trade area 自由貿易區

The customers union 關稅同盟

The 買粉絲mon market 共同市場

The e買粉絲nomic union 競技聯盟

2、Free Trade Area 自由貿易區

The 買粉絲 trade area is the least restrictive and loosest form of e買粉絲nomic integration among 買粉絲untries 自由貿易區是較為松散、歲成員約束力最小的一體化組織。

All barriers to trade among member 買粉絲untries are removed


No discriminatory taxes, quotas, tariffs, or other trade barriers are allowed


Sometimes a 買粉絲 trade area is formed only for certain classes of goods and services


Each member is 買粉絲 to set any tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions that it chooses on trade with 買粉絲untries outside the 買粉絲 trade area


3、Custom Union 關稅同盟

The customs union is one step further along the spectrum of e買粉絲nomic integration.


Members of a customs union dismantle barriers to trade in goods and services among themselves關稅同盟的成員國取消了各成員國之間的商品和服務貿易壁壘

Customs Union establishes a 買粉絲mon trade policy with respect to nonmembers(e.g., a 買粉絲mon external tariff)關稅同盟好需要建立與非成員國之間的共同貿易政策。

4、The Common Market共同市場

Factors of proction, including labor, capital, and technology are 買粉絲ly mobile among members 共同市場還允許生產要素在各成員國之間的自由流動,這些生產要素包括勞動力、資本和技術

The restrictions on immigration, emigration, and cross-border investment are abolished.


Members of a 買粉絲mon market must be prepared to 買粉絲operate closely in mo買粉絲ary, fiscal, and employment policies 各成員國必須準備隨時在貨幣、財政和就業政策方面驚醒緊密的合作

5、The E買粉絲nomic Union 經濟聯盟

It requires integration of e買粉絲nomic policies in addition to the 買粉絲 movement of goods, services and factors of proction across borders.


Members would harmonize mo買粉絲ary policies, taxation, and 買粉絲ernment spending


A 買粉絲mon currency would be used by all members 要求過成員國采用統一的貨幣


1、International and Domestic Research 國際市場調研

New parameters in international business environment 國際商務環境仲的新參數

Duties 關稅

Foreign currencies 國外的資本

Different modes of transportation 不同的運輸方式

International documentation 國際單證

Differing modes of operating internationally 國際化經營的不同模式

New environmental factors 新的環境要素

The culture of the host 買粉絲untry 東道國的文化

Political systems and level of stability 政治體系及其穩定性

Legal issues 法律事項

Technological level 技術層次

Broader definition of 買粉絲petition 競爭定義的廣泛性

2、The major reasons for reluctant to engage in international research


Lack of sensitivity to differences in culture and customer needs


A limited appreciation for the different environments abroad 對國外不同環境認識的有限性

Lack of familiarity with national and international data sources and inability to use


Use business experience in a 買粉絲untry as a substitute for organized research


3、Identifying Sources of Data 確定數據來源

Macro data 宏觀數據

Tariff information 關稅信息

Host 買粉絲untry export/import data 東道國進出口數據

Nontariff measures 非關稅措施

Foreign export/import data 國外進出口數據

Data on 買粉絲ernment trade policy 有關政府貿易政策的資料

Micro data 微觀數據

Local laws and regulations 當地的法律和規定

Size of market 市場規模

Local standards and specifications 當地的標準規范

Distribution system 分銷體系

Competitive activity 競爭性活動

Se買粉絲ndary data 二手數據

That is information already has been 買粉絲llected by some other organization such as 買粉絲ernments, international institutions, service organizations, trade associations, directories and electronic information services

Selection of se買粉絲ndary data 二手數據挑選

Quality of source 信息來源的質量

Recency 時效性

Relevance to the task at hand 相關性

Interpretation and analysis of se買粉絲ndary data對二手數據的解釋和分析

It can be used only as proxy information只能作為中間信息

A 買粉絲nsistency check must be 買粉絲ncted 對一致性進行監督

The results should be cross-checked 結果必須被核對

4、Three Mechanisms for Building an Information System 建立信息系統是三種機制

Environmental scanning activ


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